3D Scanning issues ? 3 ways to address them

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3D scanning using a white light technology has its own limitations

While scanning a part we tend to make sure that it captures as much surface as possible. It will help us in developing a fully dimensional part.

How to scan properly:

Inspect the part surface:

If the part has a shiny finish you have to make the part a little bit matt surface.

If the part has shiny surface, you need to apply scanning powder in order to make is scannable

However, the you can look at the scanning sprays which we have personally tested and reviewed here.

These scanning sprays are most versatile and easy to use. They tend to disappear after some time which makes is mess free

Scanning Sprays

However, these scanning sprays are a bit pricy, and for a beginner it might not make sense to purchase these professional grade scanners.

We invented a new technique – Cost effective !!!

So we have invented a new way, probably we should patent it (lol). We used baby powder in order to make the part surface a matt which covers the shiny area making it detectable to the scanner.

metal part 3D scanning in Shining PRO HD – Applied baby powder to ignore shiny surfaces

What do you think about this technique? Do let us know in the comments below. Would you try it?

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